Frequently Asked Questions

KP (Keratosis Pilaris) (2)

What causes KP?

KP is caused by keratin build up which forms a hard plug clogging the pores of hair follicles and resulting in the raised bumps we see on the surface of our skin.

Keratin is a hard protein that protects the skin from infection and harmful substances. The reason behind it’s buildup during Keratosis Pilaris is unknown.

How long should I expect to wait before seeing improvement?

Typically, sufferers can expect visible results with less severe cases within 30 days.

KP does not occur overnight and it cannot be completely relieved overnight. However, with consistent use and patience you can restore healthy, clear skin – KPessentials is a process that requires consistent daily application.

KPessentials (12)

How does KPessentials work?

KPessentials proprietary mixture of ingredients designed specifically to target and clear KP. Alphahydroxy Acid blend work around the clock to eliminate the side effects of KP and help keep skin clear and beautiful.

How long will one bottle last?

Both the 4oz. Bottle of KPessentials Exfoliating Cream and 6oz. Bottle of KPessentials Body Wash will last 30 days or more depending on frequency of use for most users.

KPessentials is designed for regular use to maintain results.

Does KPessentials require a prescription from a physician?

No, KPessentials does not require a doctors prescription. It can be ordered directly online via our website, shopping websites, and select stores within the US.

Does KPessentials have any side effects?

KPessentials is a strong formula with no known side effects, please be mindful of any allergies you may have before using KPessentials or consult a physician with any of your concerns before use. If any irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately.

Is KPessentials shipped outside the United States?

Yes. We have begun shipping KPessentials all over the world. We ship regularly to Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, Japan, and China among many other countries. We have to pass on a small shipping charge, but now all sufferers world wide can experience  for themselves! Please factor in the extra time it sometimes takes for international shipping with a standard shipping option.

Is KPessentials FDA approved?

KPessentials is a cosmeceutical. KPessentials is formulated in a FDA registered facility in accordance to GMP.

How often should I apply KPessentials?

Some users report faster results with more frequent applications. For best results, we recommend applying KPessentials twice a day, morning and night and using both the Exfoliating Cream and Body Wash.

What is KPessential’s shelf life?

KPessentials has a total shelf life of 3 years.

What makes KPessentials different?

KPessentials utilizes carefully formulated blend of essential oils and alpha hydroxy acids. These acids are emulsified in a proprietary mixture of ingredients and utilize a unique delivery system allowing ingredients to effectively clear up Keratosis Pilaris. Other products are not designed to be adequately absorbed within the skin and may cause irritation due to unsafe levels of alpha and hydroxy acids. KP essentials is formulated with mild skin conditioners, emulsifiers and essential oils along with hard working alpha hydroxy acids like Glycolic and Lactic to prevent irritation and rash.

Is KPessentials safe for toddlers?

The product is not recommended for children under 5 unless prescribed by a physician.

Can I place and order over the phone?

Yes, you can place an order 24/7 by calling toll free at (855) 341-3204.

How large is each bottle of KPessentials?

One bottle of KPessentials Exfoliating Scrub is 6oz/180ml.
One bottle of KPessentials Exfoliating Cream is 4oz/120ml.

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